01 Jan 1970
3 min. leer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Take a trip of flavors, and give taste to your Team Building Corporates, with the Master Chef activity by Tendencia Events & Travel. The aim is to improve communication and collaboration with each other, to know how to organize, to work under pressure of tight timing. This allows the teams to obtain better results, increase motivation, productivity and innovation!

During the activity, experienced chef is on hand to mentor, advise, taste and give a mark!

This concept is particularized by its Fun side, and the interval of creativity that leaves for each team which, through to the diversity, gives as a result courses that are out of the norm!

This Team Building can be perfectly combined with the Enigma City Challenge; The cherry on the cake; is that it can be completed and the stages of the city challenge will be oriented towards the second Team Building the Master Chef by Tendencia Events and Travel!
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Costing request
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Leila Slimani Novelista, periodista, defensora de los derechos de las mujeres
Tahar Ben Jelloun Autor, poeta, comentarista social
Fátima Mernissi Académica feminista, socióloga, autora
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