01 Jan 1970
3 minutes. lire


In Morocco, pharmaceutical seminars are annual meetings and events sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. . . eagerly awaited by health professionals from various specialties and scientific backgrounds. . . the aim being to enable the target group (doctors, pharmacists, nurses, professors, resident doctors. . . ) to maintain and deepen their scientific knowledge and update their skills on specific subjects and to exchange with colleagues, pharmaceutical companies, government representatives and experts. as an organizer of pharmaceutical seminars in Morocco: Tangiers, Casablanca and Marrakech. . .
Tendencia Events & Travel lists below the 4 professional tips to respect compliance and ensure a successful organization of a pharmaceutical seminar:

1. The choice of location for a pharmaceutical event:

The choice of hotel or meeting space is decisive, must meet certain criteria because health professionals meet for professional purposes and not to enjoy themselves. Characterized as being touristic venues or destinations such as hotels seafront, or equipped with Golf or Casino or Spa, luxury hotels, gourmet restaurants, Yoga centres. . . are to be excluded from a specification to be formulated.

2. Information and documents to be prepared:

Each seminar has its own brand identity to be respected and applied to all communication medium. . . The event manager in charge must respect certain criteria and prepare in this case:
• A list of invited health professionals by name, specifying their profession, specialty and professional address; Event information: the name, company name and address of the laboratory’s registered office;
• The scientific program with time line and speakers;
• Details of the amount and nature of the services sponsored and covered

3. Hospitality of guests:

The hospitality of participants is limited: in time (duration of the event), to invited health professionals directly concerned (target). In almost all cases, this coverage includes: registration fees, travel, accommodation, meals, cocktails, buffets and various snacks.

4. Good event management tools are more than necessary:

Tools to optimize your pharmaceutical seminar management upstream and downstream with:
• Remotely registration forms is an online customizable tool, optimized for the health sector
• Preferential rates depending on the status or registration date, Management of speakers’; discussions, management of sessions or Workshops, management of time conflicts, control of the authorized participants number. . .
• Dashboard for tracking and managing participants in real time,
• Managing receipts and editing invoices[/vc_column_text][us_gallery ids= »8300,8299,8338,8337,8297,8296″ columns= »6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Leïla Slimani Romancière, journaliste, défenseure des droits des femmes
Tahar Ben Jelloun Auteur, poète, commentateur social
Fatima Mernissi Chercheuse féministe, sociologue, auteure
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