01 Jan 1970
3 min. leer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Need to organize a pharma seminar? Furthermore? to maximize the level of communication, and better promote your services?

A successful pharma seminar also means planning exhibition stands, as an essential communication tools. with greater efficiency an interactive totem will be perfectly useful: Indeed, exhibition stands appear to be the safest way to make health professionals aware of new products and services. through these stands, you will attract a wider audience. One of the most visible and remarkable effects of an exhibition is the definition of your brand. Indeed, the stand is in fact an essential element that allows you to feel comfortable in order to transmit your information. This is why it is important for the image of your company.

For your pharma pharma seminar, the interactive totem is presented as a large vertical panel, in which a high definition screen is integrated, in vertical or horizontal position, and of more or less large size depending on the models. Its primary vocation is the videos or images and messages distribution, with the assurance of being seen from afar by the target, able to increase its potential in terms of digital marketing, and to capture the attention and curiosity of customers or users of a service, in order to deliver commercial information, with the best possible efficiency.
For your event, Tendencia is committed to contributing to your Marketing strategies with the best trendy communication tools.

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Leila Slimani Novelista, periodista, defensora de los derechos de las mujeres
Tahar Ben Jelloun Autor, poeta, comentarista social
Fátima Mernissi Académica feminista, socióloga, autora
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