Arabian Travel Market 2017

01 Jan 1970
3 min. leer
Arabian Travel Market 2017

The Arabian Travel Market in the largest international travel and tourism event in the middle east .

Tendencia Events & Travel is proud to be part of a major event…

This internationally recognized four-day event features a variety of lodging options, breathtaking tourist attractions, travel technologies and key airlines from highly sought-after tourist destinations around the world . This year, is attracted an exciting crowd of more than 39,000 travel professionals from over 86 countries offering a unique opportunity to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business under one roof . Covring a wide range of sectorrs and led by influential personalities in and around the travel industry, the ATM event program is a valuablable feature at Arabian travel market . Seminars take place through the exhibition with a variety of speakers and influential personalities covering the latest ideas and trends in the travel industry today. This year’s topics include environmental and organizational sustainbility, the future of the UAE through global tourism, travel intelligence, mobile engagement and emerging markets.

Leila Slimani Novelista, periodista, defensora de los derechos de las mujeres
Tahar Ben Jelloun Autor, poeta, comentarista social
Fátima Mernissi Académica feminista, socióloga, autora
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